Arnold's Fruit Market Opened
September 1988 marked a return to Arnold's retail roots with the opening of Arnold's Fruit Market, a decision that would prove to be transformative for the business. What began as a modest retail operation quickly proved its worth, doubling in size within just twelve months. The shop's subsequent multiple extensions were driven by growing customer demand and an expanding product range, demonstrating the community's appetite for quality fresh produce in a dedicated retail setting.

Arnold's Storefront (1988)
This new venture represented more than just an expansion; it was a homecoming of sorts. The opening effectively revived Arnold's direct retail trade that had ceased in the late 1950s when the original fruit and vegetable shops in Olive Street closed. This return to retail showed how business sometimes moves in circles, with new generations finding fresh value in traditional approaches.

Roger Arnold With Staff at the Newly Opened Arnold's Fruit Market (1988)
The choice of name itself reflected the business's broader vision. As Roger explained, they had initially considered "Wodonga Fruit Market" but settled on "Arnold's Fruit Market," recognizing that their customer base knew no borders. Paul Arnold's habit of checking license plates in the car park to track the Victorian and New South Welsh origins of their customers became a fond memory, illustrating both the business's broad appeal and the family's continuing attention to detail.

Roger Arnold Inside Arnold's Fruit Market, First Day of Trading (1988)
The success of Arnold's Fruit Market owed much to the dedication of its staff, particularly Brian Chitty, who managed the shop from its inception until his retirement in 2017, contributing an impressive 34 years of service to the Arnold's legacy. His long tenure echoed the tradition of staff loyalty that had been a hallmark of Arnold's since its earliest days.